Sunday, May 29, 2011

3D Max Studio - Create the Crate - Beginners

This tutorial is for the beginners in 3D Studio Max. Here I will be showing how to create a simple crate. Then we will learn how to throw a texture on that crate and unwrap it, so we can make our own texture. Sounds pretty simple right. Left! The program we will be using is 3D Studio Max 2011 64 bit. Any older version should work the same. Lets get started.

First we are going to open 3D Studio Max
On the right menu go to, Create > Geometry > Box
Click and hold left mouse button while holding down Ctrl and drag, this will lock the sides. Release and drag up then click to complete action.
Or you can just; click and hold left mouse button and drag. Release and drag up then click to complete the action.
If you do it this way then you will need to center it on 0 (zero)
Click the Select and Move cursor at the top or use the Short Cut Key "W"
Down at the bottom in the coordinates enter: X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0
Another hot key to know is "Z", this will zoom all windows on the object.
If its not selected already, select the box and go to modify. This will bring up the Parameters. To make a cube enter the same number in all three sections, Length, Width, and Height.
Now you are done…. If you were making a object for a low poly game this is all you need to do. But we want more details, so let’s continue.
Right click the object, a menu appears. Go down to Convert to > Convert to Edible Poly
On your right side a new menu appears where the Parameters used to be.
Click on the red square (Poly), then drag and select the whole box. The whole box is now red, this means it is selected.
Now find Edit Polygons > Insert. Select the window (Settings) not the word.
A new window should appear on the square.
Click on the top picture to change it from group to by polygon.
You can A: click and drag the arrows till you find what you like, or B: Type in the number you want.
When you found what you are looking for, click the check mark or press enter.
To help us see the different polygons press F4, this will show all the edges.
Now with the faces still selected, go to Edit Polygons > Extrude
Again not the word by the window (Settings)
Your box should of extruded out words, but we want it to go in. So in the window that appeared on the box, we will change a number from a positive to a negative.
Just be careful, the lower the negative the bigger chance of the faces going through each other.
You are now completed the average crate.
You can make it longer by scaling it, or make more extrudes or bevels into the crate to add more to it. Here was my final version of the crate. A little more futuristic kinda looking.
Short Cut Keys to remember:
W: Select and Move
E: Rotate
R: Scale
Z: Zoom to Selected
Hold Ctrl + Left Mouse Click: Multiple Selection
Hold Alt + Left Mouse Click: Deselect Selection
Scroll MID Mouse Button: Zoom in and out
Hold MID Mouse Button +Hold Alt: Rotates camera around object